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 Same-sex Marriage

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Do you approve of same-sex marriage?
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PostSubject: Same-sex Marriage   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 2:32 am

The age-old debate about same-sex marriage and homosexuality boils down to one question: Is it unconstitutional to deny gays the right to marry? On both sides of the argument, there are convincing facts and figures yet a fair amount of biased, untrue claims.

Tell us what you think. Do you say yea or nay to same-sex marriage? Question

Last edited by Admin on Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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DEBATES Points : 5250
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PostSubject: I'm unsure   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 3:02 am


I became a member of this site right away, cuz I could tell it was going to be interesting. If you want, I could help you get started and advertise. Feel free to ask for any help.

Anyhow, same-sex marriage... hmm...

When I was growing up, my dad would always condemn gay people. I guess you could say I grew up in a very religious, conservative family. My mother and father were never really open to any new ideas and preferred to keep everything traditional. I guess that frame of mind kind of stayed with me, you know?

Anyhow, today, I try to ignore my family's teachings and stay as liberal as possible. But my dad's words still linger in my mind. If someone can prove to me homosexuality is biological, I will surely accept gay marriage. Yeah, I know it's none of my business whom other people like, but the traditional definition of marriage is between a man and a woman. I just can't stop thinking that.

Don't get me wrong; I love gay people, and one of my closest friends is gay. It's just my conservative raising that screwed up my thinking, lol.

God, I just did one of my least favorite things: saying you love something so you feel totally alright to bash on it. tongue

Anyways, to sum it up, I don't fully approve of gay marriage, but I don't reject the idea either. I'm still on the fence. I'm only sixteen though; my opinion can still change. Very Happy
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DEBATES Points : 5350
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PostSubject: Thanks for joining!   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 3:10 am

Welcome to DEBATES! Very Happy

Thank you so much for joining! Did you realize you're our first member?

As for your offer to help me start up, I couldn't be happier to have a business partner! I'll PM you with further details.

I would love to share my opinion regarding this issue, but I'd like to start topics as impartially as possible. This way, I can encourage others to join the community who share a view different from mine. Once the DEBATES community grows, I may decide to partake in the forums. Smile
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PostSubject: Gay marriage ftw   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 4:09 am

Hey all,

I'm gonna keep this one short, but unlike Pripyat (what's that?), I was raised very liberally and secularly. I was told at a young age to give everything a try.

Hence today, I believe that same-sex marriage is just as valid as heterosexual marriage. Refusing gays the right to marry is like when the US refused blacks the right to marry. It's just not right...

(Cool site btw)
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PostSubject: Gay Marriage is WRONG   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 5:03 am

I strongly disagree with gay marrigae.

First of all, gay marriage is a SIN! If God intended for two men or two women to have sex, they would be able to reproduce together.

Second, homosexuality is NOT natural. It's clearly unnatural because gays can't reproduce (the purpose of sex), it's against God's will (our Holy Creator), and only a small amount of people are gay.

Last, same sex marriage will promote homosexuality. Homosexuality is wrong on so many levels, so why should we go and promote it, especially to our children?

I'm sorry but I find being gay is just plain gross.

Click for more indepth arguments against gay marriage.
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PostSubject: Missing Link   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 5:04 am

Oh sorry. The link is here:
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DEBATES Points : 5250
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PostSubject: Welcome to DEBATES; We apologize   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 2:50 pm

Welcome to DEBATES, Tonkie!

Congratulations on your first post. I must say I envy you; your parents sound magical. It's pathetic really how little adults raise their children with those principles.

Edit: I forgot to tell you what Pripyat is. Pripyat's an abandoned city in the Zone of Alienation, which was created after the Chernobyl disaster.

And to the guest who posted:

We apologize for your difficulty attaching a link in your posts. To avoid problems with spamming, we disallowed our guests the ability to add links in their posts. If you would like this privilege as well as many more, you should consider joining the DEBATES community--we would definitely appreciate a new member.

Thank you!
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DEBATES Points : 5216
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PostSubject: Re: Same-sex Marriage   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 9:26 pm

okay, so a wise MAN once told me that we should promote gay marriage within our society because the world is over-populating and then with more same sex couples, there will be an increase with adoption and it will benefit the children and give them a chance at life yadda yadda yadda....

but from personaly experience, i've grown up with the idea of homosexuals and all. it doesn't effect me personally, but when people discriminate agasint them, then i take it personal. those people who're trying to dictate the lives of others disgust me and are hurting people who are close to me. aslong has gay people aren't harming others, then i don't see the big deal. obviously they were given a bad rap because they're different, and i think it'll certainly take time to adjust to the idea of gay marriage, teach children to be more liberal.. but we should all just join 'em in the pride parade and dance with the leperchauns around the rainbow... go with the flow as usual... confused
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DEBATES Points : 5266
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PostSubject: Two thumbs up for same-sex marriage   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 9:39 pm

Greetings and salutations, fellow Homo sapiens! study

This is my first post. Hurrah! I really don't want to make any enemies on my first contribution, so I'll try to stay nice.

Now, to begin, homosexuality is not a choice and it is not a nurture situation. The environment in which a child grows does not affect its sexual orientation whatsoever. If it did, how would we be able to explain a gay child coming from the average American heterosexual family? The guest user was wrong, as homosexuality is totally natural. There are over 500 recordings of homosexual behaviour in mammals. Further, you cannot say a small amount of people are gay, when there is no survey that has ever accurately measured the quantity of homosexual individuals in the country. It can range from 1%-20% - we just can't be sure. As Alfred Kinsey argued, everyone has homosexual tendencies. Also, can you point out to me where the Bible says it's sinful to be gay? If it were, why would your "Holy Creator" give life to homosexuals? Is he not omnipotent?

But I digress.

There is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and through personal experience, I've found that the radical homophobes usually end up gay themselves. Why should we discriminate against a minority anyway? Shouldn't we embrace love and let people live their lives? The Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau once said: 'There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.'

On a further note, I completely agree with aly_aly_o. The world is certainly overpopulated, and even if homosexuality could be encouraged (which it can't), I doubt it'd be a bad thing.

Phew. I'm done. Cool
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DEBATES Points : 5216
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PostSubject: Re: Same-sex Marriage   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 1:34 am

Here's my opinion:
Gay people don't choose to be gay, just like straight people don't choose to be straight. Black people don't choose to be black either. If we could give black people equal rights, why not gays? Also, isn't the world getting overpopulated? How much is a few gay people gonna change? And what kind of argument is "Gay people are gross!"? What if they think you're gross? Just do it, it's not hurting anybody.
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DEBATES Points : 5350
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PostSubject: Adoption   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeSat Sep 11, 2010 3:38 pm

The majority of you believe that homosexuals should have the right to marry, but do you feel the same about homosexual couples adopting children?
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PostSubject: OF COURSE!   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2010 8:04 pm

It's unfathomable how one could be so ignorant in the 21st century as to forbid gays both the right to marry and the right to adopt and raise their own children. I won't even begin to elucidate my reasoning behind my statement. You can't deny somebody the right to perform something legal to the rest of the population — especially if a constitution exists announcing that they must be treated equally. How contradictory!

By the way, has anybody noticed how traditional Japan is when it comes to religious predicaments? They are an amazingly intelligent and developed country, yet they don't authorize same-sex marriage. How peculiar... I'd love to hear their vindication for doing such a thing. Can they not set aside their theistic bias to ameliorate their country further? scratch I mean, especially considering their secularity and low religious following, how could it not be legal there yet? Well, at the very least, they do recognize gay marriages performed in countries where it's recognized.
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DEBATES Points : 5266
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PostSubject: Gay advice on Y!A   Same-sex Marriage Icon_minitimeFri Oct 29, 2010 11:24 pm

I was just browsing the Internetz today, when I decided to find some Catholic and Christian articles on same-sex marriage. Of course, I was dismayed to find a lot of prejudiced writings, but one of the most troubling ones can be found at the following link:

Isn't it disturbing how uneducated these people are? It's shocking they even know how to write! Good thing I'm not a lesbian, or I'd be forced to endure daily discrimination from these people. Tsk, tsk...

Here's an excerpt from the article in which it talks about the inferiority of homosexual parents:

Quote :
Homosexual couples will also have equal claim with heterosexual couples in adopting children, forcing us (in law at least) to deny what we know to be true: that it is far better for a child to be raised by a mother and a father than by, say, two male homosexuals.

It's disgusting how biased these people are from their outdated views on the world!

Well, I sure hope somebody combats what I've just said — I feel like debatin'!
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